

顯示從 1月, 2019 起發佈的文章

Tourism enterprises offered opportunity to brush up on electronic capabilities

Tourism corporations through the Moray, Speyside and Nairn spots are now being provided the prospect to become extra digital-savvy via a collection of workshops at the end of January. The brand new time of Electronic Tourism workshops are intended to present community organisations with entry to qualified assistance in this sort of places as on-line reserving, Instagram, dwell video for organization and more. Make the most of your stay in Hong Kong by planning your stop over with a Night tour in Hong Kong or transit tour. Find out more details about the highlighted tours With 88% in the inhabitants now proudly owning a smartphone and people expecting seamless encounters online equally in your own home and on holiday, it's under no circumstances been much more significant for tourism enterprises to produce confident they can be up-to-speed. Inside the past two yrs, far more than 100 enterprises have benefited from Moray Speyside Tourism’s Digital Tourism Scotland training works...


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